Changing the World One Chakra at a Time

Course 101

Friday night gives an overview of the chakras and can be a stand alone for those who are just curious, and also as part of the workshop. There is an option to show a pictorial powerpoint, or a viewing of the 30 minute film, “The Illuminated Chakras.”. 1.5 – 2 class hours
The Saturday material covers the Journey of Empowerment, which will embrace the first three chakras with yoga, bioenergetic exercises, and illuminating discussion. (6 class hours)
Sunday material covers the Journey of Enlightenment, which embraces chakras 4 through 7, building on and refining what is learned on Saturday. Includes yoga pranayama, chanting, and meditation. (5-6 class hours)
Both days are offered as one indivisible whole. The result is a complete journey from Earth to Heaven to emerge fully embodied and intellectually awakened.

Taught by Sacred Centers Academy Founder Anodea Judith, PhD
Anodea has taught on a worldwide circuit for 25 years, nationally and internationally. Her dynamic experiential style takes you on a deep personal journey, with a well-honed combination of physical practice and didactic information. Her workshops are fun, entertaining, participatory, and often life-changing, with students that come back again and again.